Are you at risk of blood clots?

Blood clots are preventable, especially if you are genetically more prone to forming clots that can prevent the blood flow to major organs. But, Genovate is here to help you identify your risk more accessible and easy. Their DNA Thrombotic Risk test determines if you are at increased risk of forming life-threatening blood clots because of your genes.

DNA Thrombotic Risk Test ($195;
Deep vein thromboses (blood clots that take place in deep veins, mostly in the leg or the arms) result in nearly 100,000 deaths in the US every year. By understanding your risk and the early signs and symptoms of a blood clot, you can protect your health.

Once you purchase the Genovate kit, you will receive a set of swabs to collect your DNA and a pre-paid return envelope to easily send back your DNA to the lab. Around 7 to 10 business days after your test is received in the lab, you will be able to view your results online and find out whether you carry genetic variants linked to thrombotic risk.

Your DNA report will provide you with detailed information on the risk variants tested, and the risk associated with each of these variants. Knowledge of your risk is not only useful for clot prevention, but also for early identification and avoiding a misdiagnosis.

Genovate also offers other actionable genetic tests that focus on health and wellness, lifestyle, and ancestry. You can find them in our science store or visit Genovate to find more information.

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