Must Read

Compare Your DNA to Ötzi the Iceman – a 5000 year old mummy

In 1991, the remains of a human mummy were discovered in a glacier near the Austro-Italian border. The spontaneous freeze-drying process had kept the...

Investigating the Famous Tomb of the Shroud

The Tomb of the Shroud is a first century tomb at the foot of Mount Zion in Akeldama, Jerusalem. This tomb is one of...

Did Thomas Jefferson Father the Children of his Slave?

Thomas Jefferson was the third president of the United States (1801-1809). He was one of the most influential founders of the United States and...

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Natural shorts sleepers: How much sleep do you need?

Researchers have uncovered multiple genes associated with needing less than 6 hours of sleep at night. Sleep is universal. It...
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Alzheimer’s disease risk can be moderated, a new study finds

Researchers identify 21 modifiable risk factors for reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The APOE gene is one...

The COVID-19 susceptibility DNA test from Genovate

New COVID-19 cases continue to emerge worldwide, making it clear that this pandemic is far from over. Genovate is...

Must read

Y-DNA and its role in ancestry

About the Y-DNA tutorial This tutorial provides an in depth...

Curing Alzheimer’s

The latest experimental drug BAN2401 likely won’t be the...
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Genetic testing for diagnosing rare diseases: are we there yet?

With the advances made in next-generation sequencing technologies personalized...

Solving the Mystery Surrounding the Death of Marie Antoinette’s Young Son

The French Revolution marked the end of the monarchy...