New study links the famous “Habsburg Jaw” to inbreeding, further confirming the idea that inter-family marriages weaken bloodlines by decreasing genetic diversity.
With the advances made in next-generation sequencing technologies personalized medicine, caring for patients based on a genetic understanding of their disease.
Losing weight can be challenging. What’s more, a workout routine or diet plan that was effective for one person may not benefit another.
Study exploring the idea of biological fatherhood in historical Europe reveals that 1 to 2% of children in each generation are the products of extramarital affairs.
Just over a year ago, the He Jiankui stunned the world with his ‘designer twins,’ world’s first gene-edited babies.
Cardiovascular disease claims the lives of almost 17 million each year, the risks for which can be modified with simple lifestyle changes.
Type 2 diabetes is one of the fastest-growing diseases in the 21st century that can be prevented with simple lifestyle modification.
Even if you are following a healthy, well-balanced diet, your genes can increase your risk of nutritional deficiencies.
Dopamine is a chemical that plays many roles in the brain, from memory to attention and cognition. Did you know changes in dopamine levels can make you more likely to be promiscuous?
Latest news
Researchers have uncovered multiple genes associated with needing less than 6 hours of sleep at night.
Researchers identify 21 modifiable risk factors for reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Researchers link genetic changes in the region of DNA that define blood type with susceptibility to COVID-19 infections.
Must Reads
With an estimate of 26 million people having taken a DNA ancestry test, genetic genealogy has really taken off in the last couple of years.
With so many countries under lockdown, researchers from around the world are racing against time to develop a vaccine for COVID-19.